Maintain These Key Habits for Clear Aligner Success

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits becomes crucial as you progress through your clear aligner treatment, whether it’s through Invisalign or ClearCorrect. By staying diligent, you’ll keep harmful bacteria at bay and ensure your aligners remain in top condition.

Today, we’re sharing a list of dos and don’ts when wearing clear aligners. These comprehensive tips will help keep your teeth healthy and vibrant and maximize the effectiveness of your clear aligner treatment. Remember, a beautiful smile isn’t just about appearance—it’s about overall oral health, too.


There are several dental habits you’ll want to maintain when wearing your aligners. Many of these are routines you likely practiced before starting your aligner journey, but they now take on even greater importance:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush for at least two minutes, paying extra attention to all surfaces of your teeth. 
  • Rinse well with fluoride mouthwash. To freshen your breath, consider rinsing with a fluoride-based mouthwash between meals. Swish for at least 30 seconds for maximum benefit. 
  • Floss carefully. Food can easily get trapped between your teeth, especially if you don’t brush between meals and before reinserting your aligners. Plus, floss regularly—at least once daily, preferably before bedtime—to prevent cavities and other issues. 
  • Wear clean aligners. Before putting your aligners back in, clean them thoroughly. Use a gentle soap made explicitly for aligners instead of toothpaste, which can be too abrasive. Rinse them well with lukewarm (not hot) water. 
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration helps maintain saliva flow, naturally cleansing your mouth and aligners.


Now, let’s explore the things you should avoid. These habits can put your aligners at risk for damage or increase your chances of developing cavities or other oral health issues. Make sure you don’t:

  • Wear your aligners if you are sipping anything but water. Otherwise, the liquid can seep underneath the aligner and potentially cause staining or even decay. Be especially cautious with hot, sugary, or acidic drinks.
  • Eat with your aligners on. While this may seem obvious, it’s necessary to take off your aligners for all meals and snacks. It can harm your teeth if the food gets trapped in your aligner. Wait at least 30 minutes after eating before reinserting your aligners.
  • Store your aligners out in the open. When you remove them, always store them in their designated case. Placing them in a napkin or exposing them to open air can lead to bacterial accumulation. Clean your aligner case regularly to maintain hygiene.
  • Ignore cracks or damage. If you notice any cracks or your aligners look warped, contact us immediately for an appointment. Damaged or misshapen aligners are ineffective and could potentially harm your treatment progress. 
  • Skip appointments. We need to see you for regular checkups, typically every six weeks or so. These appointments ensure you’re progressing smoothly and allow us to address any potential issues promptly. Skipping these can lead to setbacks in your treatment.

Staying on top of your oral hygiene while wearing clear aligners will keep your smile healthy during treatment and ensure long-lasting results afterward. Incorporating these habits will ensure your clear aligner success.

For more personalized tips or if you have any concerns during your treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Call Lopez Dental Associates today at 580-246-4488 for an appointment in Lawton, OK. You can also make an appointment online.